About Me

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BTEC Art & Design student at a wonderful College in the UK. Aspiring to be an artist, not sure if I'll make it, I'm hoping I will. my blog will contain loads of art, moaning from me, photography etc.

Monday, 11 July 2011


I got my GCSE Art books back on the weekend and all I can say is "Woah" I was so bad at art! I know I'm not like 'AMAZING' at it now, but woah, back then, I was sooooo bad!

Here's some images of it to prove my point:

This is my first book, titled under: "Natural Forms"

Second book, titled under, "Structure"

Third and final book, titled under, "Messages"

Yeah, so my art books were the definition of awful. And I'm praying that my art has MAJORLY improved from then! 

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